Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week 3 - Hardware

The beauty of Stadium SPEAK is that the majority of the system is handled by Twitter's servers, thus costing less to our clients.  Ah, the beauty of the cloud.  As far as hardware requirements are concerned, to host the account, any device with access to Twitter will suffice.

For the boards to perform at maximum performance, Stadium SPEAK recommends use of a workstation with the following minimum system requirements:
- 2.5 Ghz Quad-Core processor
- 16 GB RAM
- 6 GB 384-bit GDDR5 Crossfire/SLI Certified Video Card
- At least 10 GB Free HDD Space for system software

Finally, the hardware of the boards themselves:
- Max Resolution: 8192x320 pixels
- Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Operating temperature: -40 to +60deg. C
- Operating humidity: 10%-90%RH
- Operating voltage: 220V AC or 48V DC
- Input voltage: AC220V/50Hz ±10% 
- Cabinet depth: ≤180mm
- Brightness: ≥6000nits
- Grey level R, G, B 256 levels each
- Brightness adjustment 64 grades
- Viewing angle:
  • Horizontal: ≥110°
  • Vertical: ≥50°
- Viewing distance: 250 m

Stay tuned for next week's update!!

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