Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Final Summary Post

So we've reached the end of the entrepreneurial project, but I sincerely hope that this is not the end of Stadium SPEAK.  I'm hoping that (if I can ever find a spare minute - or two) I can continue to let this idea evolve and possibly work with various industry leaders to make it happen.

As of right now, I think that the Stadium SPEAK project is a solid one, and one that is definitely relevant.  It has evolved a bit over the course of this project.  The biggest change was moving from individual accounts for each venue to simple hashtags for each game.  While I think the venue account is still a great idea and could be integrated for other events at the venue, the use of a simple hashtag will make the tweets more universal.

In the end, my biggest issue has to deal with marketing.  I have no idea who to market this idea to?!  Should I try to sell it to individual teams, sporting/concert venues, networks, or someone else?  I'd really like to pursue this idea, but I need a place to start...  Also, I'm not sure how profitable it would be, I think the main source of revenue would be from installation and selling the technology. 

Throughout this project, I commented on Jake Higgins's blog (, Brian Norris' blog (, and Rae Martinez's blog (

I think this entrepreneurial project was a fun one, and it showed just how easy it is to come up with a solid technological idea, but how hard it is to find the right way to implement it.

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